prophetic utterings 1
except that it was here. And thought to myself the exact same phrase; 'they did it.' Ofcourse this dream was after eating pizza; everyone dreams after eating pizza; but the realism was unreal. Another dream; I saw the terrorist weapons of the future an EMP Pulse weapon; and they were shooting down planes over the city. Until the Canadian military released knowledge of a special helicopter that played decoy; and was invulnerable to emp weapons. Another dream, I experienced a sound pulse weapon blasted in downtown; tested in the Iraq war in the desert storm. Shortly after having the dream I looked it up there actually was such a weapon? (sonic weaponry). And I heard stories from a russian soldier who believed the weapon was only tested once in the Gulf War. I once was told by a supposed black ops special forces guy to watch the pacific rim, isn't that where the Tsunami was? There's a conspiracy theory floating around that the Tsunami was created on purpose, by a satallite pulse weapon. I'll have to look hard to find the stories for you. In any case the dreams have been more vivid lately; perhaps prophectic utterings.
FEMA is Bullshit Video - - - - Conspiracy Video - - What do you think? - -
Fracture Theory mentioned in the video. Fracture Mechanics
Ok, now i'm freaked out a bit. I posted the Emp gun as a bit of a joke really, because who believes that shit is real, until I read an article from 1997.
Now this disturbs me for two reasons, the one dream that I mentioned about the emp pulse weapon fired from the sky was around 1997. This article was also written back then. Now isn't that a real mind job.